MathFacts drill app that can be used in a classroom or home setting by multiple students. It concentrates on combinations of 0 thru 9. Each digit is presented with all 10 combinations in order from 0 to 9. When mastered the same digit is presented in random order. When 3 or above is mastered the student is presented with a review drill of 30 problems covering most recent digit and previous 2 presented randomly. A unique feature is that only the correct answer is viewed. Touching an incorrect number reveals the correct number for about four seconds. When the correct number disappears, the student enters the correct answer and proceeds to the next problem. Other unique features include: Review of all Addition combinations, all Subtraction combinations, Multiplication, or Division. Addition and Subtraction - where for a selected number each combination is presented, and when answered correctly the inverse subtraction problem is entered. Multiplication and Division is similarly constructed. Also, Pairs - where addition of 0 + 0 thru 9 + 9, and Squares - each number times itself. The only record that is kept his where the student last was working so he or she can pick up at the same point the next time working with the app.